Prove That if FT is Lipschitz on an Interval I Then It is Continuous on I
Computational Theory of Iterative Methods
In Studies in Computational Mathematics, 2007
Lemma 8.6.2
- (a)
If Lipschitz condition (8.6.4) holds then
for all r, r+]y[∈S, x∈ (x 0,r),z∈X; - (b)
If Lipschitz condition (8.6.8) holds then
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Special Volume: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods in Finance
Denis Talay INRIA , in Handbook of Numerical Analysis, 2009
Theorem 5.1
Under an appropriate locally Lipschitz condition on F, the value function V(t, x, p) is the unique viscosity solution in the space
to the Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman–Isaacs equation
For a proof, see Talay and Zheng [2002]. The numerical resolution of the PDE allows one to compute approximate reserve amounts of money to control model risk. Numerical investigations, undone so far, are necessary to evaluate how large are these provisions.
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L.V. KANTOROVICH , G.P. AKILOV , in Functional Analysis (Second Edition), 1982
Theorem 1.
Suppose the derivative of Φ satisfies the Lipschitz condition (3) in the ball with centre at the origin and radius R′, where Then the sequence{x n } constructed according to (4) satisfies Φ′(x n ) → 0.
Proof. Suppose 0<α ⩽ R′ − R. Then, by the definition of the descent value ɛ n , we have Φ(x n −1+ α z n ) ⩾ Φ(x n ). Using Lemma 2, we obtain
(where L is the constant appearing in the Lipschitz condition). It follows from this inequality and (2) that
Let ɛ be any positive number and suppose α< min (ɛ, R′ − R). The boundedness of Ω0 and the Lipschitz condition imply that Φ is bounded below. Since the sequence Φ(x n ) is decreasing (by construction) and bounded, it converges, so for sufficiently large n we have 1/α (Φ(x n −1) −Φ(x n ))<ɛ. For such n, we have
and this proves the theorem.
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Finite-Dimensional Optimization
Alexander S. Poznyak , in Advanced Mathematical Tools for Automatic Control Engineers: Deterministic Techniques, Volume 1, 2008
Corollary 21.1
- (a)
If satisfies the Lipschitz condition on , that is,
then for all
- (b)
If for all
then for all
- (c)
If for all
then for all
The inequality (21.8) follows directly from (21.3), (21.7) and (21.11) if we take into account that
The inequalities (21.10) and (21.12) result from (21.4) and (21.9) since
which proves the corollary.
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Handbook of Differential Equations
Daniel Daners , in Handbook of Differential Equations: Stationary Partial Differential Equations, 2008
Assumption 6.3.1.
Suppose that Ω n ⊂ ℝ N ℕ are bounded open sets satisfying a Lipschitz condition. Let Ω be an open set and K ⊂ be a compact set of capacity zero such that for every neighbourhood U of K there exists n 0∈ ℕ such that
for all n > n 0. Moreover, assume that
Note that the first condition in (6.3.1) means that U allows us to separate from which is the part of n outside as shown in Figure 6.4. Note that the above assumption also allows us to cut holes in Ω shrinking to a set of capacity zero as n → ∞. If (6.3.1) holds, then also
Fig. 6.4.. Separation of the part of Ω n from by U.
This means that ∂Ω is contained in ∂Ω n except for a very small set. To see this let x ∈ ∂Ω ∩ Uc . If W is a small enough neighbourhood of x, then in particular W ∩ Ω ⊂ W ∩ Ω n by (6.3.1) and so W ∩ Ω n ≠ Ø for every neighbourhood of x. Moreover,
and because ∂Ω ⊂ (6.3.1) implies that . Hence (6.3.2) follows. We next use the above to construct a sequence of cutoff functions.
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G.M. PHILLIPS , P.J. TAYLOR , in Theory and Applications of Numerical Analysis (Second Edition), 1996
Lipschitz condition
Definition 2.12
A function f, defined on [a, b], is said to satisfy a Lipschitz condition on [a, b] if there exists a constant L > 0 such that
for all x 1, x 2 ∈ [a, b]. L is called the Lipschitz constant. □
We may deduce from (2.12) that if f satisfies a Lipschitz condition on [a, b], then f is uniformly continuous on [a, b].
Example 2.10
Consider f(x) ≡ x 2 on [−1, 1], Then
Thus on [−1, 1]
showing that f(x) ≡ x 2 satisfies a Lipschitz condition on [−1, 1] with Lipschitz constant 2. □
Example 2.11
Consider f(x) ≡ x ½, with x ⩾ 0. Then
By taking x 1 and x 2 sufficiently close to 0 we can make as large as we please. Thus the function x ½ does not satisfy a Lipschitz condition on any interval which includes x = 0. □
This last example demonstrates that not every continuous function satisfies a Lipschitz condition.
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Theory of Hp Spaces
In Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1970
Theorem 5.1 (Hardy–Littlewood).
Let f(z) be a function analytic in |z| < 1. Then f(z) is continuous in |z| ≤ 1 and f(e iθ ) ∈ Λ α (0 < α ≤ 1), if and only if
PROOF. First let us dispose of the case α = 1. By Theorem 3.11 , the Lipschitz condition on the boundary implies that f′ ∈ H 1 and that f′(e iθ ) ∈ L ∞. Hence f′ ∈ H ∞, by Theorem 2.11. Conversely, iff′ ∈ H ∞, another application of Theorem 3.11 shows that f(z) is continuous in |z| ≤ 1, f(e iθ ) is absolutely continuous, and (d/dθ)f(e iθ ) ∈ L ∞. Integration of the derivative therefore gives
Now let f(z) be continuous in |z| ≤ 1, and suppose f(e iθ ) ∈ Λ α , 0 < α < 1. By the Cauchy formula,
Using the Lipschitz condition and the relation
0 ≤ t ≤ π, we find
The assumption α < 1 assures the convergence of the integral
which arises after the substitution u = t/(1 – r).
Conversely, suppose
Then the radial limit
exists for every θ. Furthermore, f ∈ H ∞, so f(z) is the Poisson integral of f(e iθ ). Hence the continuity of f(e iθ ) would imply the continuity of f(z) in |z| ≤ 1. We shall prove the continuity by showing f(e iθ ) ∈ Λ α . For this purpose, choose θ and φ with 0 < φ – θ < 1. Fix ρ, 0 < ρ < 1, and let Γ be the contour consisting of the radial segment from e iθ to ρe iθ , the arc of the circle |z| = ρ from ρeiθ to ρeiφ , and the radial segment from ρeiφ to eiφ . (See Fig. 2.) Then
Figure 2.
Breaking up the integral into its three components, we find
With the choice ρ = 1 – (φ – θ), this gives
and the proof is complete.
The method may be used to prove other theorems of the same type. We mention one example, leaving the proof as an exercise.
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Random Matrices
In Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2004
Theorem 18.2.1
If f(θ) is a positive function over 0 ⩽ θ ⩽ 2π, its derivative satisfies a Lipschitz condition and F N (f) is the N × N Toeplitz determinant
Then as N → ∞
where fk are the Fourier coefficients of log f(θ),
Widom (1971) extended this theorem for functions f(θ) which are positive only on an arc of the unit circle.
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Differential Equations, Ordinary
Anthony N. Michel , in Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology (Third Edition), 2003
III.C Uniqueness of Solutions
Next, we address the question of uniqueness of solutions. To accomplish this, we require the following concept: f ∈ C(D) is said to satisfy a Lipschitz condition on D (with respect to x) with Lipschitz constant L if
for all in D. The function f is said to be Lipschitz continuous in x on D in this case.
For example, it can be shown that if ∂ f(t, x)/∂ x exists and is continuous on D, then f will be Lipschitz continuous on any compact and convex subsect D 0 of D.
In order to establish a uniqueness result for solutions of the initial value problem (I′), we will also require a result known as the Gronwall inequality: Let r and k be continuous nonnegative real functions defined on an interval [a, b] and let δ ≥ 0 be a constant. If
Now suppose that for (I′) the Cauchy–Peano theorem holds and suppose that for one given (τ, ξ) ∈ D, two solutions ϕ1 and ϕ2 exist over some interval ∣t − τ∣ ≤ d, d > 0. On the interval τ ≤ t ≤ τ + d we now have, using (V′) to express ϕ1 and ϕ2,
Now if, in addition, f is Lipschitz continuous in x, then Eq. (18) yields:
Letting r(t) = ∣ϕ1(t) − ϕ2(t)∣, δ = 0, and k(t) ≡ L, and applying the Gronwall inequality, we now obtain:
Hence, it must be true that ϕ1(t) = ϕ2(t) on τ ≤ t ≤ τ + d. A similar argument will also work for the interval τ − d ≤ t ≤ τ.
Summarizing, we have the following uniqueness result:
If f ∈ C(D) and if f satisfies a Lipschitz condition on D with Lipschitz constant L, then the initial-value problem (I′) has at most one solution on any interval ∣t − τ∣ ≤ d, d > 0.
If the solution ϕ of (I′) is unique, then the ɛ -approximate solutions constructed before will tend to ϕ as ɛ → 0+ and this is the basis for justifying Euler's method—a numerical method of constructing approximations to ϕ. Now, if we assume that f satisfies a Lipschitz condition, an alternative classical method of approximation is the method of successive approximations. Specifically, let f ∈ C(D) and let S be the rectangle in D centered at (τ, ξ) shown in Fig. 5 and let c be defined as in Fig. 5. Successive approximations for (I′), or equivalently for (V′), are defined as:
for ∣t − τ∣ ≤ c.
The following result is the basis for justifying the method of successive approximations:
If f ∈ C(D) and if f is Lipschitz continuous on S with constant L, then the successive approximations ϕ m , m = 0, 1, 2, …,given in Eq.(19) exist on ∣t − τ∣ ≤ c, are continuous there, and converge uniformly, as m → ∞, to the unique solution of (I′).
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Ordinary Differential Equations
A. Rontó , M. Rontó , in Handbook of Differential Equations: Ordinary Differential Equations, 2008
4.2 Linear substitution of variables
It is clear that the simplest case of substitution (4.13) is the linear change of variables
where A and b are -periodic matrix and vector-valued functions, respectively. We assume that these functions are continuously differentiable and such that
The change of variable (4.68) transforms the autonomous system (4.1) into the non-autonomous system
where μ is given by (4.20) and
The use of the linear substitution (4.68) instead of (4.13) simplifies the transformation of the autonomous system (4.1) to a non-autonomous one and the verification of conditions(4.23)–(4.26). In this case, the initial data (4.11) and (4.19), for which there may exist -periodic solutions of (4.5) and (4.70), are related by the formula
whence, in view of (4.69),
Therefore, we can start our iteration (4.27) from y 0(c) given by (4.72).
The T-periodic solution of the autonomous system (4.1) is given by the formula
where the pair (c*,μ*) is a solution of the determining equation(4.36). Similarly, the approximate solutions (4.56), (4.57) take the form
where the pair (cm,μm ) is a solution of the approximate determining equation(4.58).
For the linear change of variable (4.68), the vector M Φ and the matrix K Φ in the Lipschitz condition (4.59) as well as in the error estimates (4.60), (4.66) are given by the formulae ,
Let us suppose that the system (4.1) has the form
Consider (4.76), (4.77) together with the T-periodic boundary conditions
where f 1 : ℝ n → ℝ p , f 2 : ℝ n → ℝ n − p , p is even, and T is an positive constant.
Let us use the special case of the linear transformation (4.68) where
where A is a real skew-symmetric matrix with purely imaginary simple eigenvalues. In this case, substitution (4.68) is rewritten as follows:
and the transformed system (4.16) corresponding to (4.76) has the form
where μ is given by (4.20).
Consider the autonomous system of the form
where f 1 : ℝ n → ℝ p , f 2 : ℝ n → ℝ n − p , p is even, T > 0, and A is a square matrix of dimension p having the same properties as in Example 4.6. Let us assume that the functions f 1 and f 2 are continuous in the domain
where ‖x 1‖2 ≡ ∑ k = 1 p x 1k 2 and D2 is a closed bounded domain.
Suppose that the functions f 1 and f 2 satisfy the following conditions in domain (4.81): there exist some non-negative constants k 1, m1 , a non-negative vector M 2 ∈ ℝ n − p , and a non-negative (n – p) × n matrix K 2 such that
for all (x 1,x 2) and (z 1,z 2) from domain (4.81).
The change of variable (4.68) with A given by (4.78) transforms system (4.80) to the form
Since A is skew-symmetric, it follows that the matrices exp(± θA) are orthogonal, i.e., e± θA (e± θA ) * = I p × p and, furthermore, x 1 and x 2 in (4.79) satisfy the relations
It follows from (4.86), (4.87) that the right-hand side of system (4.85) is well defined and continuous in domain (4.81). Moreover, the functions F 1(θ, y 1 ,y 2) and F 2(θ, y 1 ,y 2) in (4.85) satisfy the inequalities
for all (y 1,y 2) and (z 1,z 2) from domain (4.81), where
and m 1 and k1 are the same as in (4.82), (4.83). Here, ep and J p × n are the vector and matrix of dimension p × 1 and p × n, respectively, with all elements equal to 1.
It follows from inequalities (4.88), (4.89) that the functions in the right-hand side of system (4.85) satisfy conditions(4.23) and (4.24) with the vector
and matrix
where K 2 is the matrix from (4.84).
We thus see that, in some cases (in particular, for system (4.80)) one can verify conditions(4.23), (4.24) in terms of the constants m 1, M 2, k 1, and K 2 involved in conditions(4.82), (4.83), and (4.84) for the original system.
Quite similarly, one can show that, for the autonomous system
with A having the same properties as in Example 4.7, the linear change of variables
brings the Tμ –1-periodic problem (4.5), (4.6)
to the non-autonomous -periodic problem (4.94) for the equation
Let us consider the second-order autonomous differential equation
where ε is a real parameter, and try do determine the period, T, which a periodic solution of (4.96) may have.
To Eq.(4.96), we associate the first-order system
and the following T-periodic boundary conditions:
System (4.97) will be considered for x 1 2 + x 2 2 ≤ ϱ2, where ϱ ≥ 2|ε|.
It is clear that (4.97), (4.98) is equivalent to the problem on T-periodic C 2 solutions of (4.96).
Applying the coordinate transformation (4.4) with , we transform (4.97), (4.98) into the system
with the 2π-periodic conditions
In (4.99), according to (4.20), μ = T(2π)–1. Rewriting (4.99), (4.100) as (4.93) by putting
and using transformation (4.92), we arrive at system (4.95) of the form
Here, we have used the equality
easily derived from the series expansion of exp (–Aθ) in a neighbourhood of 0.
It follows from (4.103) that, in our case, the variable transformation (4.92) is given by the equalities
and, hence, system (4.102) has the form
It is obvious from (4.104) that system (4.105) should be considered in the same ϱ-neighbourhood of zero as system (4.97).
We need to verify whether conditions(4.23)–(4.25) hold in our case.
As it has been already pointed out above, the vector M in (4.90) and matrix K in (4.91) are determined directly from the terms in the right-hand side of the original system (4.97), i.e., on base of the properties of function f given by (4.101).
It is easy to see that the function
takes its maximal value W max = − |ε|(1 + |ε|) when x 1 = ε, x 2 = 0, whereas its minimal value W max = − [ϱ2 + 2ε 2 + (2ϱ + 1)|ε|] is achieved for x 1 = ϱ signe, x 2 = 0. Therefore, according to (4.90), we may take the following vector M for system (4.105):
where .
Furthermore, as can readily be verified, for the number k 1 appearing in (4.83) and (4.89), we may take
Indeed, it is easy to see that
The maximal eigenvalue of matrix (4.107) is, obviously, given by the formula
whence it follows that, according to (4.106), we may put
Hence, since , we see that the constant in (4.89) is given by the formula
Therefore, we have the following matrix K in (4.91):
where .
Since r(J 2 × 2) = 2, it is not difficult to verify that conditions(4.25) and (4.26) are satisfied in B(0,ϱ) whenever
Inequalities (4.108) and (4.109) hold, for example, when
Thus, the techniques described above are applicable to our system (4.97). For system (4.97), Eq.(4.10) with j = 1 has the form
and, hence, the one-parametric family of solutions
where c ∈ ℝ. According to the coordinate transformation (4.92), we have
Therefore, we may start the successive approximations (4.27) from the constant function
Consider the approximate determining equation(4.58) with m = 0 and :
The first of these two equations is, in fact, an identity for an arbitrary c, whereas the second one means that, for all real c,
whence it follows that
and therefore, in the zero approximation, the period, T, of a solution of Eq.(4.96) is given by the formula
For instance, in the case where ε, ϱ, and μ are given by (4.110), we have T = 2.04π. Note that the autonomous equation(4.96) has the periodic solution
whose period is equal to 2π. Thus, for e sufficiently small, even the zero approximation provides a reasonable degree of accuracy for the unknown value of the period.
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